Collaborative Crisis Care/Survivor Advocay

Bringing Restoration

To Those Affected By Human Trafficking & Exploitation

Her Past is Not Her Future

Although our Oregon team primarily works toward the prevention of exploitation through our youth mentoring groups, we continue to work with a small number of survivors each year. We believe the past doesn’t have to determine the future of someone who has been sexually exploited, so we rally together with other community groups and passionate volunteers to provide care and assistance that helps survivors become thrivers through collaborative crisis prevention.


We accept grant applications for crisis prevention in the life of a sexually exploited woman or girl. Funding of grants will be between $100 and $1,000 for individual grants and up to $2,000 when a critical need necessitates collaboration and shared financial responsibility between a supporting church, nonprofit, anti-trafficking organization or residential treatment center. Applications must be submitted by a referring church, nonprofit or civic organization, attesting to the legitimate need of the proposed recipient