Nov 24, 2020
By Milan Homola The phrase “better together” sometimes comes across as wishful thinking or an empty progressive platitude. But I believe that for Jesus followers, this is not only a biblical command, but a compelling challenge. For Christians, “better together” is a...
Oct 20, 2020
On September 19th a group of churches in the Puget Sound region came together to host their very first Compassion Clinic, which also happened to be our first Compassion Clinic during the time of COVID-19! During the summer months we consulted health authorities about...
Sep 16, 2020
Guest Post By Izabella Taraszewski, Compassion Connect Intern Summer 2020 Through my journey into the pursuit of global public health equity, I have been challenged and amazed every day in the knowledge I learn, and the ways I discover I can use my resources as a tool...
Jun 17, 2020
On June 30th, Compassion Connect’s staff family will be bidding a bittersweet goodbye to a key member of our team: Ray Biggerstaff. Our Compassion Clinics Director since fall 2015, Ray has accepted a new role as Regional Director of Child Bridge, a foster care...
Jan 16, 2020
Dardie Robinson has been volunteering in the dental area at Compassion Clinics since 2008. She coordinates the dental area for Tigard, Tualatin, and Beaverton Clinics and has served at 36 total Clinics over the years! We caught up with her at a recent Clinic to chat...
Jul 25, 2019
Nestled about forty five minutes southeast of Portland, the small town of Sandy has seen God show up miraculously when their local churches have worked together to serve the community. Thousands of uninsured and underinsured people in Sandy have received free medical...