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By Nikki Bergen

Human trafficking is a tremendous issue around the world. In the United States, there were close to 11,000 cases in 2018. Of those, about 8,498 were sex trafficking cases (Polaris Project, 2018). Sex trafficking is defined as “the crime of using force, fraud or coercion to induce another individual to sell sex” (Polaris Project). Keep in mind, these statistics are estimates because a large amount of cases go unreported. 

Most research indicates that the average age of children who enter the sex trade are between 12 and 14 years of age; however, because of the lack of reporting and data, there is still so much that we don’t know. In addition, these children are primarily female and from marginalized communities (Polaris Project, 2018). It is common to see invitations extended to women to join the fight against child sex trafficking and for valid reasons. However, in knowing that the majority of buyers of sex are men, it is equally as important that these same invitations are extended to men as well. 

Here are 4 ways men can get involved in the fight against sex trafficking:


1.) Learn More

So, you have heard of sex trafficking, but don’t know a lot about it, and you want to make an impact? The first step is to educate yourself! There are numerous trustworthy resources that are available to offer you valuable information about sex trafficking. These resources range from articles such as the one you’re reading now to websites, books, documentaries, and more. Here are just a few resources that we would recommend as a good place to find solid and useful information regarding human and sex trafficking:


2.) Talk About It

Many people don’t know sex trafficking even exists because not many people talk about it. It may sound unnecessary but spreading awareness about sex trafficking is one of the best ways to make an impact! Talk about and share resources on social media! Almost everyone is on a social media platform these days so why not use yours to spread awareness about sex trafficking? 

In addition, men are provided a unique opportunity. Talk to the other men in your life: about the treatment of women, about pornography, and about the sexual exploitation of children. Because buyers of commercial sex are primarily male, men can have a huge influence on the demand just by informing other men and changing the culture of how men view women. Even simple steps such as discouraging friends or acquaintances from catcalling, attending strip clubs, and using locker room talk about women can make a big difference. 


3.) Reach Out

One of the best ways to make an impact is to reach out to a local organization that is involved in anti-trafficking efforts! Men also have a unique opportunity here, because you can either financially give or utilize your unique skills and abilities to help out these organizations. For example, if you are a licensed contractor, consider donating your services to help with repair work (that’s a real life example from our own experience!). Feel free to do your own research, but here are a couple really amazing organizations where men can make a big impact:

The Epik Project 

The EPIK Project is an amazing organization that aims to end demand in the commercial sex market by equipping male volunteers to interrupt sex buyers at the point of purchase. They train their male volunteers to be knowledgeable about sexual exploitation and to be able to communicate with buyers in an effective way. So far, they have been able to intercede over 178,000 attempts by almost 90,000 buyers! If this sounds like something you would be interested in, you can get more information about how to get involved by emailing

Northwest Family Services Deceptions program

The Deceptions program run by Northwest Family Services is an awesome program that sends volunteers to middle schools where they lead a 6-week interactive group that educates kids about sex trafficking and how to stay safe. After the 6 weeks, the volunteers stay at the schools as mentors so that kids have someone safe to talk to. For more information about this contact Amy Simmons at

Opportunities with our Adorned In Grace anti-trafficking initiative

Our Adorned in Grace Design Studios bring together volunteers from local churches to mentor young people who are faced with complex life challenges that often put them in harm’s way for trafficking. We are always looking to engage more mentors and guest presenters, as well as support roles such as transportation, supplies management, building care, and more! Learn more about our anti-trafficking opportunities here


4.) Recognize and Report 

A fourth thing men can do to help is to know the warning signs that someone could be in a trafficking situation and to report it. Some of the most common signs of sex trafficking are fearful, anxious, depressed, or submissive behavior, displaying signs of substance abuse, and sharing scripted, confusing, or inconsistent stories. For a more detailed list of warning signs you can click here.

Knowing where to report is equally as important as knowing the signs. You can report to the National Human Trafficking Hotline by calling 1-888-373-7888 or texting 233733. This is a 24/7 hotline run by a non-profit organization. Callers and their reports are kept confidential. Personnel will review reports and notify law enforcement as needed. However, if you believe someone is in a life-threatening situation do not hesitate to call 911. 


It’s Up to All of Us–Men and Women–to Do Our Part

With so many children around the world exploited in the commercial sex industry, this is not only a global issue, but it is also a local issue here in Portland. We can make the biggest difference by coming together as a community and doing our part to contribute in the fight against sex trafficking. We would encourage you, if anything you have read so far has moved you, interested you, or inspired you, to pursue something meaningful and enjoyable that is unique to you. Your community and communities across the world need men like you to join this fight.

Learn more about ways you can get involved in our anti-trafficking work here.