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Human trafficking.

Spiritual and physical brokenness.

The problems in our neighborhoods are bigger than any one person or church, and they seem to grow when churches compete and passionate people don’t have an outlet to serve. But we know there is hope because over the past 10 years we have been blessed to guide hundreds of churches and thousands of people on a journey: a journey of serving and loving their neighbors together through free health clinics, anti-trafficking efforts, and more.

Now we feel God is calling us to help equip and empower the countless people sitting in churches nationwide who deeply care about addressing the serious issues affecting their neighbors and neighborhoods. We are excited to do this by launching The Compassion Network.

Will you be part of this journey with us?



Compassion Connect helps churches and individuals unite to address two main community issues: health, through our Compassion Clinic and Compassion Care Center outreach models, and human trafficking, through our Adorned in Grace model. When multiple models are functioning in one region, it becomes what we call an Epicenter of unity and compassion. The Compassion Network will aim to spark and support the growth of Epicenters in this next season.



Here’s the inside scoop on the Compassion Network as of Summer 2018:

  • This summer our Co-Founder & Executive Director, Milan, and his family were commissioned and sent out the Midwest to lead the Compassion Network from a central location.
  • Anti-trafficking efforts and Compassion Clinics are continuing to grow in Portland and beyond: Clackamas churches have launched their own Adorned In Grace Design Studio and Tualatin churches will host their first Compassion Clinic this fall.
  • Our Portland office will be hiring a Regional Director in coming months–contact us at for more details.

We envision a near future where a growing number of neighborhoods are full of people who are actively loving and serving their neighbors in Jesus’ name. In place of frustration and apathy, they are experiencing unity and purpose as they get outside the walls of a church building and use their gifts to serve their neighbors who are struggling. In a world of increasing division and hate, a mission of united service–of an accessible, tangible way to make a difference and live out our faith–is needed now more than ever.

Will you join us?

Interested in learning more or in  joining the journey?

  • Watch the Compassion Network video here.
  • Read the Compassion Network plan here.