May 12, 2023
I like to keep things simple and easy to understand, both in the way I live and in the way I lead. Here are two foundational ideas to stay focused on until the day He takes me home. Passion for Jesus and love for people. In Matthew 22:36-40, Jesus responding to a... May 10, 2023
“The road to life is a disciplined life” Proverb 10:17 The Message. Every leader I’ve ever known or worked with struggles with discipline in some way or another. I know I do. Everything in our culture works against us living disciplined lives. Rick... May 8, 2023
In his book, Hey, Wait a Minute, John Madden asks Vince Lombardi about the differences between good and bad coaches. Lombardi answers, “The best coaches know what the end result looks like, whether it’s an offensive play, a defensive play a defensive coverage, or just... May 7, 2023
Leaders make decisions. That’s what leaders do. Sometimes the choice is clear and at other times it’s not. Ron Edmondson shares some default actions leaders should have and be prepared to take. Guest post by Ron Edmondson I have some default actions in my... May 5, 2023
I remember it very clearly. The meeting had ended–one more in a long string of meetings to discuss essentially the same issue; but I did not forget the lesson I learned. Two of my leaders, higher up the organizational food chain, approached me from either side... May 4, 2023
Jesus was full of both grace and truth (John 1:17) . As leaders, It’s easy to error on one side or the other and not incorporate both in our communication. Eric Geiger reminds of the necessity of grace and truth. We don’t want to be so graceful and loving that we are...