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Leap of faith

We don’t always see the results of our prayers and our service to others, but we take the leap of compassion anyway, knowing that God uses our efforts in ways that drip deep into the hearts of those we touch. When God does reveal the end of the story, it is a special treat. This is one of those stories.


As told by Compassion Connect longtime clinic prayer warrior George Hamilton:

Compassion Cherry Park: December 5, 2011

At Compassion Cherry Park, a volunteer young lady asked for prayer for healing of Crohn’s disease, which began to affect her two years prior to the birth of her first child. She had periodic flare-ups and was on medication, but could not get pregnant again as long as she was on it. She also feared that another pregnancy and birth would trigger more flare-ups of the Crohn’s.

It was very clear she was afraid she would be barren. She had a flare-up shortly before the day of the clinic and had been seen in the ER. I and another volunteer prayed for healing and deliverance from barrenness or any fear of barrenness, as well as healing from the affliction itself.

About a month later I saw her at a follow-up prayer meeting for Compassion Cherry Park. She had no further symptoms or flare-ups since being prayed for. She felt good and was going in for repeat blood tests. If the results were good, her doctors would start weaning her off the medication. She was going to send me an update when she got one, but I never heard back from her.


Four years later: March 2, 2016

Today Vivian and I were at a restaurant for breakfast. While looking for a table to sit at, a young lady with a little girl kept looking at me. Finally, she approached me and asked if I had been involved in Compassion Connect outreaches and prayed for people. I said yes and then asked her if she was the lady with Crohn’s disease I had prayed for several years ago. She said yes, and I told her I had tried a number of times to find her through volunteer data but had never been successful.

She then introduced us to her little girl. This girl was the answer to our prayers that her mother would be delivered from barrenness over four years ago. What a delight.

Feel free to get in touch!

*We are thankful to George for sharing his beautiful story. Do you have a story of hope that came about from a Compassion Connect experience? Please feel free to share those with us by sending them to